The book cover for the great big bear is a picture book for kids about safety the woods and also a learning book about bears

Great Book Cover Design tips

I have illustrated over 900 books and in that time I have learned a lot about making an eye-catching creative cover that not only attracts people to your book but also draws them in. Here are a few things that might help you with yours.

Easy Title

I worked for a production company as an Art Director before I got into illustrating books and I learned while working with some very large corporations that their goal was to brand their logo to the public in as short, small and easily recognizable way as possible. They had shown me their plans with a version of their current logo, the next phase was more simple and the final was as simple a design as they could make. Think of the Nike swoosh or the McDonalds M. How does this apply to my book title your asking. Well, a short title makes it possible to brand your book so that your customers can recognize from across the room, your book series that they or their children love has a new must get edition. It is also a good idea to include an element of the book in the title, for example, I just completed a book about a parrot that dresses up as a leprechaun. I created a title with him leaning on the words in his leprechaun outfit to spark interest in the book.

Simplify the text

The title is very important, so important that it should not be distracted. On the books I have made in the past, like this one here, I put the author’s name and my name on the cover. I have come to realize that Written by Author Name Artwork By Toby Mikle is 8 words. It may seem trivial but now I only put the Author Name on the cover. now that’s only 2 words and doesn’t take the attention away from the cover illustration and title.

A Custom Book cover design about a vacuum cleaner that was made to be menacing but also kid friendly, in vector format

Use a hand made font

You can use an existing font and tweak parts of the letter and colors or you can use a font that has been handcrafted for your audience. This is your brand and it should be unique. I also try to put a little tiny portion of the cover illustration overlapping the title, when appropriate. For example, I recently created a book about motocross racing. I overlapped the top of the racer’s helmet over the bottom of the title, this really made it pop and gave it a cohesive complete feel.

I just wrote a whole article about fonts and their uses for children’s books here.

This is a custom book cover about Herbie the flying car can be edited and scaled for any publishing or print use

Composition is key

Think about how the reader’s eyes will follow your design. One really important aspect of the composition that I have discovered, is that when you have a foreground element that leads into the picture, you are actually taking your reader with you into the design. Other more subtle but pleasing compositions use triangles and rectangles or even spirals to formulate a calming complete look. To take that a step further, you can use those shapes and then throw a little tiny element that is out of aligning to draw attention to that part.

Size Matters

There is a rule of 5 / 5 that painters and photographers follow and it applies to book covers as well. The rule is that images should look good when viewed from 5 inches and 5 feet. How this applies to you, is that yes, the reader will have the end copy of your book in their hands but before it gets there, you will have to sell that book. Most books sold online are first seen as tiny postage stamp thumbnails. If it looks muddy at a small size, you risk the chance that an interested reader will pass by.

Branding and symbols

Some of the best cover I have done come from one key moment in the story without giving away the ending or a twist. However, your cover does NOT have to depict the exact contents. The cover serves the purpose of Introducing your story but also is a way to advertise and brand your book. Having a simplified icon that represents your character or series is a solid marketing and branding strategy.